Working from home tips

While some people may already work from home as part of an existing flexible working arrangement, working from home will be new to many who are doing so during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Here are some top tips to make your working from home life a little easier...

WFH working from home top tips 

Maintain routine

  • Stick to your usual sleep times - it'll help you stay focused
  • Ensure you take your paid breaks - they still apply
  • Maintain regular working periods if possible
  • Set aside time to switch off, avoid working into the evening

Catch-up with colleagues

  • Arrange times for a call / video call throughout the day
  • Keep connected to help others through isolation

Stay organised

  • Use programs like Trello and Sticky Notes to create lists and keep track of progress
  • Allocate your time into blocks that each have a purpose and an outcome (emails / meetings / writing / phone calls)
  • Don't panic! There's still tomorrow to finish that job!

Get moving

  • No meetings doesn't mean no exercise! Get outside, reset and return focused
  • Set aside 10-minute slots to stretch your legs and move around - up and down stairs / around the garden
  • Take a lunch break away from the computer

Enjoy extra time

  • Avoid extra hours at the computer when you would be commuting - exercise, read, rest
  • Make the most of family time - don't feel guilty about having to parent and work remotely
  • Stay connected with family and friends

Be patient

  • These are unprecedented times for everyone, including employers, work colleagues and housemates / family members - understand their situation as well as your own
  • Communicate more - overcome issues by talking through them, be open and empathetic. Everyone will have their own coping techniques.

What next?

We're working closely with employers to provide them with the people support they need when they need it. Find out more about how we're helping employers during this time here:

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