WHY - Quick communication tips and what do they have to do with Pūkekos?


Small adjustments for big impacts

A bi-weekly publication

Written by Joy Kuhns

Published 18 July 2023 | 2 min read

The other day the traffic suddenly stopped and there they were AGAIN! Pūkekos, one of my favourite birds.

One of the pūkekos was flapping its wings excitedly as it navigated the motorway, ending up on the WRONG side, near the houses instead of the swamp.  This mistake is a fairly common sight, and every time I see them on the wrong side, I ask myself “WHY?” Rushing, flapping and getting it wrong.


Have you ever felt like that and asked yourself “What went wrong just then”? “How could that communication go so awry”? It had me thinking that we can all use quick ways to improve things so that we, too, don’t end up on the “wrong side” (of the employee, our Manager, our partner, friend). 

It doesn’t matter if you are a Senior Executive or new to Leadership, effective communication can make things much better with colleagues by being open, clear and by following up on agreed actions. 

The following tips can help you by first reflecting on a past conversation and then making plans for your next. It is recommended that you keep this checklist handy.

Reflecting on why things went awry

Ken Blanchard (2022) recommends asking yourself “What do I want people saying, thinking, and feeling as they walk away from a conversation with me?” Using these questions as a guide, reflect on your last conversation and rate it.

Rating out of 4 (1=terrible, 2=not great, 3=good, 4=exceptional)

  • How do you think the communication went overall?

  • Was the message clear? Was there any confusion?

  • Were you fully present “in the moment”?

  • Did you ask questions and are you happy with them?

  • Were you open to any feedback? Did you consider it?

  • How did you respond to the employee (tone, level of interest)?

  • Were there any follow up actions?

  • Was there a clear understanding on when these would be addressed?


Quick tips for great conversations

Use these tips for your next conversation and rate how it went, afterwards.  You will definitely see the difference and end up on the “right side of the road”!

 ✓ Be fully present with no distractions  ✓ Ask relevant questions
 ✓ Take a genuine interest in what they are saying  ✓ Respond well by being open
 ✓ Be clear about your expectations but also show you care  ✓ Encourage two way communication
 ✓ Remember to think "W.A.I.T". Why am I talking? (Bryant, A. n.d.)  ✓ Add value (for your business AND for the employee)



Blanchard, K.  (2022, September 20). 3 Ways to help people decide to stay, not stray.

Blanchard, K (2023, May 11). How do you want people talking about you at the dinner table?

Bryant, A. (n.d.). Be a Better Listener.

HCAMAG (n.d.). 10 common questions employees ask

Hobson, G. (2016, July). Pūkeko|Pukeko. Adult.

Jones, C.M (2023, Feb 24). Want to be a Better Leader? Work on Your Communication Skills.

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